Course curriculum

    1. Sh. Abdullah Hakim Quick | New Muslim Corner | Session #1

    1. New Muslim Corner | Essentials of Islamic Beliefs for New or Revived Muslims | Session 2

    1. Pilgrimage and Eid | Sh. Abdullah Hakim Quick | Session 3

    1. The Danger and Solutions for Magic | Sh. Abdullah Hakim Quick | New Muslim Corner | Session 4

    1. Excessive Praise of The Righteous | Sh. Abdullah Hakim Quick | New Muslim Corner

    1. Foundations of Faith | Sh. Abdullah Hakim Quick | New Muslim Corner | Session 6

About this course

  • Free
  • 25 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


Instructor Bio:

Dr Abdullah Hakim Quick is a historian, social activist and religious leader of African and Native American descent. He has travelled to over 58 countries doing research and delivering lectures to various communities. His qualification in Islamic Studies comes from a BA from the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia and his history background is shaped by an MA and PhD from the History Department of the University of Toronto, Canada. Shaikh Abdullah is currently a senior instructor at the Islamic Institute of Toronto.

Abdullah Hakim Quick

Senior Instructor