Course Description

Live, Online

Prophet Musa (Moses) is the prophet most mentioned in the Qur'an, with multiple narratives across many chapters on his birth, his upbringing in the Pharoah's palace, his Prophethood, his liberation of the Children of Israel, his marriage and his conversation with Allah Almighty.

In this Course, students will reflect on the various stages in this great Prophet's life, and the practical lessons that can be derived for our own spiritual and social lives.

Shaikh Musleh Khan was born in Madinah, Saudi Arabia. He was raised and is currently residing in Toronto, Canada. At college, he studied computer programming and then went to work as a fraud analyst. In 2002 Shaikh Musleh was accepted at the Islamic University of Madinah where he completed a diploma in Arabic followed by a BA in Islamic Law from the faculty of Da'wah and Usool al-deen. He memorised the Qur'an with an ijaza and has completed a complete study of Sahih al-Bukhari.Shaikh Musleh undertook a study of various Islamic books including those on Fiqh, Hadith, Aqidah, Tafsir. Futhermore, he took classes with various prominent scholars in the course of his time in Madinah, including Sheikh Mukhtar Al-Shanqiiti, Sheikh Muhsin Al-Abaad, Sheikh Abd al-Razak, and Sheikh Muhammad Shafi among others. Upon graduating in 2011 he has returned to Canada and has plans to pursue a Masters at York University, Toronto. He has been very active in the Toronto vicinity for more than 10 years, having conducted khutbahs, classes, lectures and conferences, as well as various Islamic Intensive programs in the United States. Shaikh Musleh enjoys long-distance running and basketball. He loves to read and write in addition to spending time preparing for classes in Toronto where he and his wife reside.

Musleh Khan

Imam and Youth Counselor

Course curriculum

    1. Class #1 Video

    1. Class #2 Video

    1. Class #3 Video

    1. Class #4 Video

    1. Class #5 Video

    1. Class #6 Video

About this course

  • Free
  • 6 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content


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