Course Description



This course will look at the question of “ Tajdeed or Renewal” in the World of Islam. With so many calamities and challenges facing Muslims today, there is a common call for change. There are many who believe that Islam needs to be reformed to meet the 21st Century. Classical Islam has always depended on Islamic Revival to meet the challenges of the times.

This course will look at the concept of reformation and revival in Islam by looking at some of the modern ideas and the classical texts. The body of the course will be an actual plan for Islamic revival using “The Forty Hadeeth on Islamic Revival”  by Shaykh Abdullah Hakim Quick, as the basis and expanding on the practical methodology that emerges from it.

 Finally, we will look at the lives of three great Revivalists who exemplified practical examples of Revival: Imam Abu Hamid Al Ghazali , Shah Wali-ullah Al Dehlawi and Shaykh Uthman Ibn Fudi of Sokoto, Nigeria. Their lives will also show the challenges faced in three great areas of the Muslim world: The Middle East, India and West Africa.

Dr Abdullah Hakim Quick is a historian, social activist and religious leader of African and Native American descent. He has travelled to over 58 countries doing research and delivering lectures to various communities. His qualification in Islamic Studies comes from a BA from the Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia and his history background is shaped by an MA and PhD from the History Department of the University of Toronto, Canada. Shaikh Abdullah is currently a senior instructor at the Islamic Institute of Toronto.

Abdullah Hakim Quick

Senior Instructor

Course curriculum

    1. Session #1 Video | Introduction

    1. Session #2 Video

    1. Session #3 Video

    1. Session #4 Video

    1. Session #5 Video

    1. Session #6 Video

About this course

  • Free
  • 13 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content