Course Description

This course is a repository of all things related to Ramadan 2019 at IIT, including Khutbahs, Tarawih Recitation and motivational talks during the blessed month.

A course or event  headlined by a number of instructors.

Various Instructors

Course curriculum

    1. Getting ready for Ramadan | Sh. Abdool Hamid

    2. Excited about Ramadan | Sh. Musleh Khan

    3. Relationship between Prayer and Fasting | Sh. Ahmad Kutty

    4. Eating and Drinking while Fasting | Sh. Abdool Hamid

    5. Advice to those reading Quran | Sh. Musleh Khan

    6. Inner Dimensions of Salah | Sh. Ahmad Kutty

    7. Intentions | Sh. Abdool Hamid

    8. How to have an extraordinary Ramadan | Sh. Musleh Khan

    9. Takbeerah Of Ihraam (First Takbeer of Salah) | Sh. Ahmad Kutty

    10. Taraweeh Gems | Sh. Abdul Fatah Jaheidar

    11. Tahajjud or Taraweeh | Sh. Abdool Hamid

    12. One Surah | Sh. Musleh Khan

    13. Importance of Fatihah | Sh. Ahmad Kutty

    1. Week 1: Purity of the Soul | Sh. Ahmad Kutty | May 10

    2. Week 2: Why Muslims fast in Ramadan | Sh. Abdullah Hakim Quick | May 17

    1. Week 1: Ramadan In Context | Sh. Abdullah Hakim Quick | May 11

    2. Week 2: Soul & Spirit of Fasting | Sh. Ahmad Kutty | May 18

    3. Week 3: The month of Quran | Sh. Abdool Hamid | May 25

    4. Week 4: The Prophet After Ramadan | Sh. Musleh Khan | June 1

    1. Quran Recital Video | Various Qurra

    1. The Story of Prophet Nuh | Sh. Musleh khan

    1. Taraweeh Night 1

    2. Taraweeh Night 2

    3. Taraweeh Night 3

    4. Taraweeh Night 4

    5. Taraweeh Night 5

    6. Taraweeh Night 6

    7. Taraweeh Night 7

    8. Taraweeh Night 8

    9. Taraweeh Night 9

    10. Taraweeh Night 10

    11. Taraweeh Night 11

    12. Taraweeh Night 12

    13. Taraweeh Night 13

    14. Taraweeh Night 14

    15. Taraweeh Night 15

    16. Taraweeh Night 16

    17. Taraweeh Night 17

    18. Taraweeh Night 18

    19. Tarawih Night 19

    20. Tarawih Night 20

    21. Taraweeh Night 21

    22. Taraweeh Night 22

    23. Taraweeh Night 23

    24. Taraweeh Night 24

    25. Taraweeh Night 25

    26. Taraweeh Night 26

    27. Taraweeh Night 27

    28. Taraweeh Night 28

    29. Taraweeh Night 29

About this course

  • Free
  • 50 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content