Course Description

Aqidah is the Islamic world view which provides humans with a map to navigate the world safely to reach the ultimate destination of eternal life in the next world.                                                          
The cornerstone of the Aqidah is the notion of Divine Oneness, God's Sovereignty over the world, and man's destiny. Other tenets of faith include the concept of angels, prophecy, scripture, life after death and heaven and hell.

We intend to explore these topics through a thematic study of the Quranic verses. The course will conclude with a summation of the main creedal points as found in Aqidah Tahawiyyah.

The course consists of three sessions and the texts used are selections from the 'Qur’an' and 'Aqidah Tahawiyyah'. 

Shaikh Ahmad Kutty was educated in the traditional Islamic Sciences at Islamiyya College, Kerala, and at the Islamic University of Madina Munawwarah. He received his ijazahs (licences/designations) as an ‘a’lim and faqih from both India and Saudi Arabia. He earned his M.A from the University of Toronto and pursued doctoral studies at McGill University, Montreal.Over the past 30 years, he has been Director of the Islamic Center of Toronto, Director of the Islamic Foundation, Toronto, Canada, and has served on the Fiqh Council of North America.Currently, Ahmad Kutty is resident scholar and senior lecturer at the Islamic Institute of Toronto. His courses include Quran & Hadith Sciences, Islamic Theology & Jurisprudence and Islamic Ethics & Spirituality among others. His fatwas (Islamic rulings) have been translated into several languages and appear on various international sites including,,,, and He actively participates in interfaith seminars, symposia and serves as an expert/resource in cases involving Islamic Law and Theology. Ahmad Kutty has been listed among The 500 Most Influential Muslims in the World (ed. by Professor John Esposito & Professor Ibrahim Kalin of Georgetown University); it can be accessed at:

Ahmad Kutty

Senior Scholar

Course curriculum

    1. Aqidah 101

    2. Reference

    1. Session One: Outline

    2. Session One Video

    1. Session Two: Outline

    2. Session Two Video

    1. Session Three: Outline

    2. Session Three Video

About this course

  • Free
  • 8 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content